
About us


We want to:

  • share the unconditional love of God

  • nurture the faith of believers

  • proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ



What we seek: the kind of church we want to be

Discipleship & teaching:

We want to be a church where…

  • our faith guides us in what we do and say
  • the Bible is at the core
  • the Holy Spirit is working in our everyday lives
  • we support each other in building faith
  • our faith overflows into service for others


Welcome, diversity & inclusion:

We want to be a church where…

  • everyone is welcomed, valued and safe, especially the vulnerable


Children & young people:

We want to be a church where…

  • children from our community and schools know and love God
  • children in our community and schools feel loved and engaged
  • young people and their families come to know Jesus
  • we work closely with the schools which our young people attend


Community engagement

We want to be a church where…

  • we are a church without walls: our faith is seen outside our walls
  • we use what we’ve been given to help the vulnerable
  • we work in partnership to serve our community and the world


The Axbridge, Shipham and Rowberrow Benefice is a Church of England Benefice.  You can find out more about the Church of England here: https://www.churchofengland.org/

The Church of England is divided into dioceses, each overseen by a Cathedral.  ASR Benefice comes under the auspices of the Diocese of Bath and Wells and you can find out more about the diocese here: https://www.bathandwells.org.uk/

Created HJF 03 November 2023

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