
Christian Meditation

There are two Christian Meditation groups which meet weekly in Axbridge:

  • Evening group - Wednesday 1950 for 2000.
    Axbridge Church, The Square, Axbridge, Somerset BS26 2AP

Please note that we will be meeting in the Church Rooms from 20 December until the end of February

  • Afternoon group - Monday 1430.
    Location varies so please contact Loraine or Andy Goddard for details (see below)

beyond words 

Meditation is an ancient form of prayer. It goes beyond words, images, thoughts and feelings. It leads us into stillness, silence and simplicity, allowing us to rest in the presence of God. Even in our modern busy lives this is possible.

The aim of Meditation in the Christian tradition is to allow God's mysterious and silent presence that is within us all to become the reality which gives meaning, shape and purpose to everything we are and do. The World Community for Christian Meditation is inspired by the vision of John Main a Benedictine monk who revived an ancient form of contemplative prayer and made it available to all. 

The Axbridge Meditation Group welcomes you to share the teaching and practice of Christian Meditation in silence and friendship. We are open to any denomination, or none. 

We meet just before 2000 each Wednesday evening in Axbridge Church.

Contact Loraine or Andy on 07881 988767 to find out more.

Further information


Updated by HJF 16 December 2023

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