
What's On ...  


For services in the United Benefice please see: Worship -> Services

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Diary dates ...

Shipham Church Quiz, Sat 19 October   

Please see below for booking details


9 Churches Day of Prayer, Sat 2 November   



Homegroups are a way for a small group of people to:

  • study scriptures in more depth than can be achieved in a sermon – either the theme from the previous Sunday or a theme running in the homegroup
  • discuss people’s interpretation of and thoughts about the theme or Bible readings
  • pray together about anything which is on their minds and hearts


We currently have one homegroup, which runs on a Monday evening.  If you would be interested in joining the homegroup, please contact the Church Office

Axbridge Warm Spot

This runs on Mondays, in the Church Rooms - 1030-1400 from October to March; 1100-1300 from April to September - for anyone who needs some light food and company.  We are always grateful for helpers and donations of cakes: please contact the church office if you can help, or speak to Yvonne Brown at a Warm Spot.  Thank you very much.


Coffee & Cake in the Church 

This runs on Fridays throughout the summer, in Shipham Church - 1030-1230 - for anyone who needs some light food and company.  


Lenny's Community Café

This runs on alternate Fridays throughout autumn to spring, in Shipham Village Hall - 1100-1400 - for anyone who needs some light food and company.  The first one of the autumn is 27 September.











The Bereavement Journey, Tue 17 Jan - 18 Feb, 1430,

 Axbridge Church Rooms  

Are you grieving the death of a loved one or struggling with the long-term effects of loss?

The Breavement Journey is for anyone who has been bereaved at any time in any way.  Using a series of films and discussion groups, it gently guides bereaved people through the most common aspects of grief, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps.

The seven-session course will be held in the Church Rooms, Axbridge, beginning on Tuesday 7 January 2025 at 1430, with the last session taking place on Tuesday 18 February 2025.

Topics include:

  • attachment, separation and loss
  • the impact and pain of bereavement
  • adjusting to change
  • anger and guilt
  • coping with others' reactions
  • moving on healthily


If you are reading this article online, click here for more information:




There is a suggested donation of £10 to cover resources.


To book a place or for more information, please contact Rev'd Sue Hoskins: sue-hoskins@outlook.com   M: 07771 579543



We often run courses of bible study during Advent and Lent.  Check back here in November and January/February to see what we’re doing or check In Touch


We would also like to run an Alpha Course but there isn’t one currently planned.  If you’re exploring what it means to be a Christian, please contact the Priest-in-Charge

You Tube

To access our United Benefice Services, please see YouTube




Opportunities for Ongoing Support

We are registered with The Big Help Out so there are further details on their app. 

We are looking to create a team of volunteers who will maintain our beautiful churchyard. If you can spare any small amount of time at all and would like to become part of that team, please contact the Priest in Charge, Rev'd Alistair Forster, by email: rev.alistair3@gmail.com and he will get back to you. Many thanks for considering helping us make our churchyard a peaceful and beautiful place where we can 'just be' with God's creation.  Thank you so much!


Around the Town....


See also: Axbridge Town Website, Axbridge Connected (Facebook) and www.shipham.org.uk 





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Last Updated by HJF 18 October 2024

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